17/11/2021 Winter Sale
We’re offering up to 40% off on books and prints + free shipping worldwide in our Winter sale. For a limited time only!
09/08/2021 Publishers’ Fair @Hopscotch Berlin
We will have a table at Hopscotch Berlin’s Publishers’ Fair on Sunday August 15th from 12pm-6pm. It’s been a while, so please come for a visit! Address: Kurfürstenstraße 13-14, 10785 Berlin
01/05/2019 Miss Read 2019
We will be returning to Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair 2019 with some new publications and prints! The fair is on from the 3rd-5th of May at the HKW.
11/12/2017 Gold Dumps and Ant Hills by Moyra Davey
We are very excited to announce our new publication: Gold Dumps and Ant Hills, by Moyra Davey. The book is now available to buy from our website, where we are offering free shipping worldwide. It will also shortly be available from your local artbook/photography bookstore.
20/11/2017 Toupée on Instagram
In the run-up to announcing our new publication, we’ve started an Instagram account. Follow us!
02/05/2017 Plassein in Japan
Copies of Plassein spotted in various bookstores in Tokyo.
09/10/2016 Plassein Japanese edition release
We are very happy to announce the publication of the Japanese edition of Plassein, made possible through Archipelago and distributed by Tsubame book distribution. The Japanese edition includes a leaflet and a limited edition Riso printed postcard.